Studiometry Cloud - Add or Remove Employees

To edit your employees in Studiometry Cloud, you'll have to log in to the Admin section of the Studiometry Cloud web page.

To remove an employee:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Admin Login
  3. Login with your Admin email and password. Please note that this might be different than your employee login credentials used to sign into the app itself.
  4. Scroll down to the Employees section
  5. Select the employee in the list and click Edit
  6. Uncheck the box marked Live Employee, then click OK
  7. This will keep the employee in your data, but that employee can no longer log in.

To add an employee: 

  1. Go to
  2. Click Admin Login
  3. Login with your Admin email and password. Please note that this might be different than your employee login credentials used to sign into the app itself.
  4. Scroll down to the Employees section
  5. Click the New Employee button
  6. Add the employees information and password.
  7. If that employee would increase your employee count over what you have set in your plan, you'll see a dialog asking about when you'd like to increase your plan size. Follow the on screen steps to increase your plan size to allow another employee.
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