Studiometry 12.5.4 Released

Studiometry 12.5.4 is available today and contains several new features and fixes. We've improved importing capabilities for Calendars and for work items. We've also added the ability to select specific client or project specs to display when creating a report. See the full list of changes below.

Studiometry 12.5.4 is a free update for registered users of Studiometry 12.x, and is available today for download and purchase. New users as well as users of previous versions will get a free 30-day trial. Upgrades from Studiometry 11.x start at $59.95 USD per license, while upgrades from 10.x or older are $99.95 USD per license.


New in Studiometry 12.5.4:

  • Can now select specific employees to assign items to when importing calendars from iCal/Calendars
  • New option in Report editing window that allows you to select specific Client or Project specs that appear within that report
  • Will attempt to disable App Nap on machines with networking enabled so that connections and syncing can persist
  • Fixed an issue exporting reports using code-based templates to specified locations
  • Manually adding a new ran time to a work item will fill out today's date instead of the item's date
  • Will now automatically enable Calculate Total when importing work items with quantity/unit price columns that are not empty
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