Integrate Studiometry with Apple Mail, Entourage, or other email clients

The features in this article require Studiometry 9.0 or newer.

Studiometry can integrate with several popular email clients to automatically import messages as Logs in Studiometry. If your favorite email client is not yet supported, please see the article with information about how you could possible help implement integration with a new email client.

1. Enabling Mail Integration in Studiometry

The first step to integrating your mail client with Studiometry is enabling mail integration in Studiometry. To do this, go to the Preferences Window > Emails section, and check the Enable Mail Integration checkbox. With this enabled, Studiometry will begin checking for emails periodically from your email client. 



2. Setting up your Email Client to Integrate with Studiometry

The instructions for enabling integration with each mail client differ slightly, so please use the following links for your preferred email client.

A. Apple Mail Integration

  1. Download the Apple Mail Integration Script
  2. OS X 10.8 or newer: If you are on Mac OS 10.8 or newer, you will need to manually copy the AppleScript file you just downloaded to Mail's Scripts folder. To do this, go to the Finder and select Go menu > Go To Folder... and paste in ~/Library/Application Scripts/ and then press Go. Copy the StudiometryMailGrabber.scpt file to that location so that you will be able to select it in step 6.
  3. In Apple Mail, go to the Preferences Window > Rules Section
  4. Click Add Rule
  5. In the window that appears, setup your conditions to "If Any of the following conditions are met":  Every Message. You can also limit the conditions based on specific rules to help further limit the amount of logs imported into Studiometry.
  6. In the same window under "Perform the following actions" select Run AppleScript, and then choose the StudiometryMailGrabber script that you downloaded in step 1. 
  7. Press OK to save the rule, and then click Don't Apply to ensure that all of your email is not processed immediately
  8. Drag the new Rule to the top of the rules list to ensure that it will run before your other rules. If you have a custom spam in your list, be sure to put Studiometry after that rule.
Apple Mail will now automatically export information about related emails to a compatible location on your hard drive that Studiometry will periodically check for and import as logs. You can then setup Studiometry's Preferences Window: Emails Section to filter incoming logs to ensure that spam and unnecessary items do not get imported.
Please note that this will not capture outgoing emails as Apple Mail does not currently run scripts for outgoing messages. If you would like to capture outgoing emails, you can either do so by enabling the setting in Studiometry's Preferences Window: Emails Section. Another method to import individually selected emails from Mails is by selecting an email message, right clicking the message, and choosing Apply Rules.


B. Microsoft Entourage or Outlook (Mac Version)

  1. Download the Outlook Mail Integration Script or the Entourage Mail Integration Script
  2. In your mail program, select Tools Menu > Rules...
  3. Click the New toolbar button
  4. In the window that appears, setup your conditions to "If":  All Messages. You can also limit the conditions based on specific rules to help further limit the amount of logs imported into Studiometry.
  5. In the same window under "Then" select Run AppleScript, and then choose the script that you downloaded in step 1. 

  6. Press OK to save the rule
  7. Drag the new Rule to the top of the rules list to ensure that it will run before your other rules. If you have a custom spam in your list, be sure to put Studiometry after that rule
Entourage/Outlook will now automatically export information about related emails to a compatible location on your hard drive that Studiometry will periodically check for and import as logs. You can then setup Studiometry's Preferences Window: Emails Section to filter incoming logs to ensure that spam and unnecessary items do not get imported.


C. Integration With Other Mail Programs

We are in the process of developing means for integration with other mail applications. If you'd like to help work on Studiometry mail integration for a specific program that is not listed here, please read the thread here about Integrating a Custom Mail Program with Studiometry.


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  • 0
    Alexander Adolf

    Note for Mountain Lion:

     The import script needs to write to the directory ~/Library/Containers/ Support/Studiometry/MailImport

    This must be a real directory at the above location, not an alias or symbolic link. Otherwise will not have the entitlements to write to the directory, and the script will silently do nothing. No mail will get imported, but no error messages either. 

    To be on the safe side, I have:

    • created the above directory manually
    • created an alias at  ~/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/MailImport that points to the above location in's sandbox directory. Don't know whether that's strictly required as of the 10.0.1 update still though.
  • 0
    Oranged Support

    There was an updated script added to this KB article when 10.0.1 was released, and Studiometry 10.0.1 & Mountain Lion are compatible with that script. Studiometry 10.0.1 will check both the Sandboxed application support folder, as well as the standard application support folder, so it will work on 10.8 and older operating systems as well.

    We've also updated the instructions slightly for 10.8 to help with setup.

  • 0
    Ted BaldBiker

    Will this work with "Express" on 10.9 ?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    Yes this should work fine with Studiometry Express.

  • 0

    Will this script work for Snow Leopard 10.6.8? 

    Its seems that initially it worked but now, including the project code in the subject line or within the body of the message does not include them in my project view, or logs. It is my understanding that I copy the script, apply the rule just once then the rule applies to everything I send or receive? I am new to the software. I have bene sending messages so far with no integration. All the appropriate boxes have been ticked in preferences. 

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    We've updated the included Apple Mail script to work better with UTF8 encoding of special characters in conjunction with an update to Studiometry 12.6.1.

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