Custom Summaries

Custom Summaries give you the power to organize, sort, filter, and display information about your Studiometry data exactly how you'd like. These are very powerful and flexible reports that, once setup as a preset, can be instantly accessed via the Summaries menu.

Setting Up Custom Summaries 

To create a new Custom Summary, go to Summaries Menu > New Custom Summary. This brings you to the summary editing window where you can set up your summary and save it to a preset.



I. Setting a Date Range

In the top-right of the summary editing window is the Dates entry. Here you can select a date range from the popup menu that will be used each time the summary is generated (for example, Today will always select items from the current day whenever the summary is generated), or you can enter a custom fixed date range into the date boxes. These dates are used to filter the items that the summary shows.


II. Selecting a Summary Type

The next step is to select what the base item is that the summary will show. Summaries can have one of three item types as their base item: Debt/Credits, Invoices, or Payments. Each item type has one or more filters associated with it that can all be selected from the base item popup menu shown here.


III. Setting Up Tiers

The next step is to setup tiers. A tier is based on the hierarchy of data within Studiometry, and in a summary is used to group and subtotal the data. You can, for example, add a Project tier to your summary of Invoices, which will then group and subtotal all of the displayed invoices under their associated project. Multiple Tiers can be added into a single summary to create detailed, organized reports.

To add a new tier to your summary, click the (+) Add New Grouping Tier button and select the Tier Type.

Once your tiers are added, you can sort and filter each tier however you'd like, and also customize the fields shown for each tier. The base item type is also considered a Tier, which means you can sort, filter, and customize the display fields for the individual items in the same way.


IV. Advanced Options

Dated By - For summaries of Invoices, the Dated By popup lets you choose which of the invoice's dates the summary will filter it by. For example, you can create a summary of invoices Dated By: Date Paid and set the summary's Date Range to Previous 30 Days to show only invoices that have been paid within the last 30 days.

Showing/Hiding Individual Items - If you have one or more grouping tier set up on your summary, you can choose to show or hide individual item information for your base item type. For example, if you have a summary of Payments and a grouping tier of Clients, you can hide the individual lines of payment information and only show each client's total amount of payments for the summary. To show/hide individual item information, check or uncheck the "Show" checkbox next to the base item type.


Hide Tiers Totaling Zero - This setting only applies to summaries with one or more grouping tiers. This will show or hide specific tiers based on their content for the summary. For example, if you have a summary of Invoices with a Grouping Tier of Clients and you choose to show tiers totaling zero, all clients will be listed, regardless of whether or not they have an applicable invoice on the summary. If Tiers Totaling Zero are hidden, only clients with invoices on the summary will be displayed.


Split Timer Intervals (available in Studiometry 12 and newer)If you pause or stop a timer and then resume it later, Studiometry will track information for each timed interval. If you choose to split timer intervals, the summary will display each interval as its own line item.

WARNING: This can cause differences in calculations if you use timer rounding. This is because Studiometry will always combined all interval before rounding to determine the total hours. There is no way to accurately reverse this process, so instead any split timer intervals have their hours and amount shown in non-rounded form.



Presets are used to save and quickly access your custom summary setups. You can set up a summary once, and then easily access it as many times as you need via the presets.

Creating a Preset

To create a preset, first set up a summary in the Summary Editing Window, and make sure to enter a name for your summary. Then, simply click the "Save To Preset" button at the bottom of the summary editing window. If everything worked correctly you will be notified that Studiometry has saved your preset.

Accessing Presets

You can quickly access your Preset Summaries directly from the Summaries menu by simply selecting it by name. This will bring up the summary viewing window will all of the preset setting entered automatically. 

Managing Presets

Select Summaries Menu > Edit Presets… to bring up a window where you can import, export, delete, rename, and reorder your presets. 

On-The-Fly Summaries

All saved presets can be used in On-The-Fly summaries, which are explained in more detail here.

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