What are a Project's Category Specific Notes?


Project's Category Specific Notes - essential text explaining one of your debt/credit categories.
This function was implemented so that information specific to one of your debt/credit categories can be easily added to an invoice or report for your client.
For example, if you have a debt/credit category called Consulting.  You can enter an explanation for the debt/credit category describing exactly what actions you took for the client such as systems evaluation or troubleshooting.  This explanation can be placed quickly on any invoice or report.
You can enter Project Specific notes for any of your Debt/Credit Categories for use on any invoice or report.
Click on any project, select the Notes tab, and enter project Debt/Credit category specific notes by double clicking on a type.
Add the DebtCategoryProjectNotes data column tag to put Project related Debt/Credit category descriptions in invoice and report templates.

Project's Category Specific Notes - essential text explaining one of your debt/credit categories.

This function was implemented so that information specific to one of your debt/credit categories can be easily added to an invoice or report for your client.

For example, if you have a debt/credit category called Consulting.  You can enter an explanation for the debt/credit category describing exactly what actions you took for the client such as systems evaluation or troubleshooting.  This explanation can be placed quickly on any invoice or report.
 You can enter Project Specific notes for any of your Debt/Credit Categories for use on any invoice or report.

Click on any project, select the Notes tab, and enter project Debt/Credit category specific notes by double clicking on a type.

Add the DebtCategoryProjectNotes data column tag to put Project related Debt/Credit category descriptions in invoice and report templates.


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