What are Debt/Credit Category Notes?


Debt/Credit Category Notes - specific text attached directly to a debt/credit category.
If you continually have same information included on an invoice or report related a specific debt/credit type this is a function that might be of interest.
You can save detailed descriptions of Debt/Credit categories for use on Invoices/Reports.  Open Preferences > Categories > Debt/Credit Types >Notes.  Enter the debt/credit categories information.
Add DebtCategoryNotes data column tag to put Debt/Credit category descriptions into Invoice and Report templates.  

Debt/Credit Category Notes - specific text attached directly to a debt/credit category.

If you continually have same information included on an invoice or report related a specific debt/credit type this is a function that might be of interest.

You can save detailed descriptions of Debt/Credit categories for use on Invoices/Reports.  Open Preferences > Categories > Debt/Credit Types >Notes.  Enter the debt/credit categories information.

Add DebtCategoryNotes data column tag to put Debt/Credit category descriptions into Invoice and Report templates.  


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