


What are Forms?

Forms are used to track sets of questions and their responses. Each question on a form has a specific input type (text, big text, checkbox, or menu). 

The first step is to create Form Templates, which can then either be sent to your Clients, or entered locally. Sending or entering a form will create a duplicate of the form template and attach it along with the responses to a Client or Project.

Forms can have endless uses, such as:

  • Accepting file attachments from your clients directly to be stored in your Studiometry Cloud File Sharing.
  • Tracking details associated with a Client or Project that are not already built in to Studiometry (such as a brief, for example)
  • Allowing Clients to send in requests that can appear as To Dos within Studiometry, linked with their Projects
  • Allowing Clients to request new projects with whatever criteria and questions you deem necessary
  • Getting feedback or followup on a Project that will be stored directly within Studiometry


Form Templates

To create a new Form Template, select the Forms group in the leftmost pane of the main window and then select Form Templates. If the Forms group does not appear in your main window, click the Gear icon in the bottom left, select View Settings, and then check Show Groups: Forms.

When you're editing a template, you can add, delete, modify, and arrange the form's fields. Each form template can have any number of fields. Here's an example form entry for a form with just one field:



Each field consists of several settings:

Field Type A field can be one of five types: Text, Big Text, Checkbox, Menu, or File. This determines the input method for the field's response.
Field Name The field name is basically the "question" you are asking. It is the label that will appear to the left when entering the form.
Hidden If a field is marked as Hidden, it will not appear when entering the form. You can use this to add default values to a form that the Client cannot modify, but will appear when reviewing the entered form.
Action Field Depending on the form's Action Type, you can link each Field to a specific variable for the created action item. For example, if your form action is set to Create Project, you can have an entered field linked to become the new Project's name.
Default Value The initially entered value when the form is first opened. 
Optional Field Description A small explanatory text displayed below the field's input.




Form Availability

This setting only applies if you're using Studiometry Cloud. Once you've created a Form Template, you can allow or deny access to each Client. If a form is currently available to your Client, they will be able to view and enter the form when they log into their Client account on Studiometry Cloud. Once they respond, you'll receive a notification and have an opportunity to review their response and accept or reject the form.

There are three Form Availability Settings:

  1. Always : All clients (that have Studiometry Cloud accounts set up and permission to access forms) can enter this form whenever they'd like. It will always appear in their list of available forms.
  2. Only When Sent : This template will only appear for a Client when you specifically send the form to them. They will be able to respond to the form only once, and then it will no long appear in their available forms. 
  3. Specific Clients : The selected clients (as long as they have Studiometry Cloud accounts set up and permission to access forms) can enter this form whenever they'd like. It will always appear in their list of available forms.


Form Action

The best part about forms are the ability to create Studiometry items based on the form's response. Each form template gives you the option of one Form Action, which can be any of the following:

  • None
  • Create Project
  • Create To Do
  • Create Log

If you have any form action selection, you'll then be able to select an Action Field value for each of your fields on the form template. What this does is link to the item that will be created by the form's action. If the Form action is a To Do, for example, you can then have a field for Description, Extra Info, Next Step, Priority, and more. The content of those fields will then be added to the created To Do when the form is reviewed.



Form Statuses

  • Form Template : This form can be duplicated and sent to a client or entered locally. A template cannot be set to any other status.
  • Sent : The form has been sent to a client and is awaiting a response.
  • Submitted / Awaiting Review : The client has responded to the form and you can now view their entered responses. Also, when you enter a form locally, it will immediately go to the Submitted status.
  • Reviewed : If a Form's Action is set to None, then you'll have the option to Mark as Reviewed, or Reject the form. Either response will remove the form from the list of Forms Awaiting Review
  • Action Performed : If a Form's Action is set to anything besides None, you'll have the option to then perform the Form Action (ie create a To Do, Log, or Project), or Reject the form, and not create any items. 
  • Rejected : The form's response was rejected and no item was created from the form.



Entering & Sending Forms

Forms can be entered locally within Studiometry, or via a Client's Studiometry Cloud account in a web browser. All fields and responses will be saved to the form and synced back to Studiometry. Once a form has been entered, you can view the responses and approve or reject the form.

To send a form to a Client or Project, you can go to the item's Overview, and click the Add Forms (+) button. You'll then be able to select the Form Template that you'd like to use for entry. Alternatively, you can go to the main window and select Forms > Form Templates, and then right-click on a template and select Enter Form. You'll then be asked to select Client or Project to link the form with. 

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