Data In Use Warning shows on launch

In most situations you can ignore this warning. This will appear if Studiometry did not correctly close the last time you launched it or in the case of a crash. The only situation in which you will need to heed this warning is if you use a shared database (using Cloud syncing or a shared network drive) and you have multiple machines accessing the same database file. In this case, if both machines have Studiometry open simultaneously, changes made on one machine may be lost on the other.

If you do not use cloud syncing or a shared network drive, you can simply press the "Don't Show Again" button. You can reenable the setting in Studiometry's Preferences Window > General Section.
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  • 0

    What if you are using a shared database? Surely the database should be able to manage multiple users! 

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    Opening the exact same data file is not recommended for multi-user setups. If you have multiple users you should be using the built in networking features, as sharing one database will not work. Studiometry loads the database into memory on launch, and if multiple users are using the database simultaneously then you could easily encounter some sort of data loss. 

  • 0

    We are currently using the built-in networking features, but always get the Data in use warning. We also frequently experience data loss. Is there a step by step check list to ensure we've got everything set up correctly?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    If you're using the built-in networking features and not using any cloud-syncing capabilities you should just click the Don't Show Again button and ignore the warning, as it does not apply to your situation in any way.

    Regarding data loss, we recommend enabling the Safe Sync option in the Preferences Window > Networking section on your server machine. Most likely the data is just not getting synced over between machines correctly.

  • 0

    We do currently use the Safe Sync option, but we'll click the ignore and forget checkbox anyway. Thanks.  

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