Variable Definitions

When you put a variable or data column into a template and generate the template, Studiometry will grab certain information to put in place of the variable or data column. This list will explain the function of each variable.


Invoice Related

Please note: In Studiometry 9.0 and newer, you can add a prefix to the Invoice Related variables to show information about the previous invoice for the associated client or project. Adding PPI- will use the project's previous invoice, and adding CPI- will use the client's previous invoice. An example would be "CPI-InvoiceID".  


The invoice's user visible ID number. ID numbers can be controlled from Preferences > ID Numbering section.

The invoice's due date. Invoice due date is calculated based on the number of days entered into the Preferences > Billing Settings.

The date the invoice was created.

The date of the oldest debt on the invoice. (Studiometry 8.0 and newer)

The date of the newest debt on the invoice. (Studiometry 8.0 and newer)

The total number of worked hours associated with the particular invoice. Found in the project's Work tab.

The total number of worked hours associated with the particular invoice placed into the HH:MM:SS (Hours, Minutes, seconds) format. Found in a project's Work tab.

The total of the invoice less than the amount already paid on the invoice. This is shown in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window.

The total of the invoice less than the amount already paid on the invoice. This is shown in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Invoice Info section. NoCur means no currency symbol shown.

Invoice Notes section. This is shown in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Output section.

The date the invoice was paid. This is shown in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window.

The amount currently received specifically for this invoice. Total number payments received for an invoice. This is shown in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window> Payments section.

The amount currently received specifically for this invoice. Total number payments received for an invoice. This is shown in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window> Payments section. No currency symbol will be displayed.

This is the amount on the invoice that will be subtracted from the client's retainer balance. This is shown in the project's Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Invoice Info section. You can manually enter this amount in the project's Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Payments section.

The amount applied to this invoice from the specific client's retainer. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Edit Invoice window > Invoice Info section.

The amount applied to this invoice from the specific client's retainer not displaying the currency symbol. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Edit Invoice window > Invoice Info section.

The amount of this invoice applied from payments. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Edit Invoice window > Invoice Info section.

The amount of this invoice applied from payments not displaying the currency symbol. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Edit Invoice window > Invoice Info section.

The currency of the invoice. This can be controlled from Preferences > Currencies section > Online Tag column.

The total of all work items on the invoice. This is shown in a project's Work tab.

The total of all work items on the invoice. This is shown in a project's Work tab. No currency symbol will be shown.

The total of all work items on the invoice that have a tax value associated with them.

The total of all work items on the invoice that do not have a tax value associated with them.

The total of all taxes on the invoice. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Invoice Editing window.

The total of all taxes on the invoice. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Invoice Editing window. No currency symbol will be shown.

The total amount of all markups on an invoice or report.

The total amount of all markups on an invoice or report without a currency symbol.

The subtotal and tax totals combined. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Invoice Editing window.

The subtotal and tax totals combined. This is shown in a project's Output tab > Invoice Editing window. No currency symbol will be shown.

The page number of the current page being viewed.

The total number of pages for the invoice or report.

Formatted page number. Example: Page 1 of 10.

Report Related

The reports visible ID number. Report ID numbers can be controlled from project Output > Edit Report window > ID field.

The report's name. Report name can be entered from project Output > Edit Report window > ID field.

The date the report was created. This is found in project Output > Edit Report window > Date Created field.

The date the the report was sent. This is found in project Output > Edit Report window > Date Sent field.

The report Field 1 Name. This is found in project Output > Edit Report window > Fields section.

The report Field 1 content. This is found in project Output > Edit Report window > Fields section.

User Related

The company name entered into Preferences > My Info.

The name entered into Preferences > My Info.

The address 1 entered into Preferences > My Info.

The address 2 entered into Preferences > My Info.

The city entered into Preferences > My Info.

The state entered into Preferences > My Info.

The telephone number entered into Preferences > My Info.

The fax number entered into Preferences > My Info.

The zip code entered into Preferences > My Info.

The name of the country entered into Preferences > My Info.

The email address entered into Preferences > My Info.

The tax ID number entered into Preferences > My Info.

The website name entered into Preferences > My Info.

The payment terms entered into the Payment Terms field found at Preferences > Billing Settings.

Client Related

The client's user visible ID. This is shown the client's Client Info tab > Client ID field.

The name of the Client. This is shown the client's Client Info tab and the Client/Project list in the main Studiometry window.

The name of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Output section.

The first name of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Output section.

The last name of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Output section.


The first letter of the first name of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Output section.

The first letter of the last name of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Output section.

The Address 1 of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The Address 2 of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The city of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The state of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The zip code of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The country of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The date the client became your client. This is shown the client's Client Info tab > Client Since field.

The email address of the client's company. This is shown the client's Client Info tab.

The email address of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The title of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The notes associated with a client. This is shown the client's Client Info tab.

The client's website address. This is shown the client's Client Info tab.

The highlighted telephone number of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The home phone number of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The work phone number of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The fax number of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The cellular/mobile phone number of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab.

The client's Category. This is shown the client's Client Info tab.

Total amount of money received from the client. This is shown in a client's Payments tab.

The credit card number of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The credit card number of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated in the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1234. This is shown the client's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The credit card expiration date of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The credit card security code of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The Other 1 field of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The Other 2 of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The credit card type of the client's contact with whom the invoice is associated. This is shown the client's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The Client's Retainer balance. This is shown in the client's Retainer tab > Current Retainer Balance section.

This is an optional field in which a user can enter a client's desired maximum retainer amount. This is shown in the client's Retainer tab > Desired Max field.

The difference between the balance of the retainer and the desired balance of the retainer. This can be seen visibly in a client's Retainer > Retainer Graphic.

The negative difference between the balance of the retainer and the desired balance of the retainer. This can be seen visibly in a client's Retainer > Retainer Graphic.

The total number of live and non-live projects associated with a client.

The total number of live projects associated with a client. This can be seen in the client's Projects tab.

The total number of hours worked on projects attached to this client.

The total of all estimated amounts for projects attached to this client.

The combined total for all projects attached to the client.

The combined balance for all projects attached to the client.

The combined balance for all Projects attached to this Client minus any amount available in the Retainer.

The combined balance for all Invoices attached to Projects attached to this Client.

Contact-(custom field name)
In Studiometry 9.0 and newer you can use this format in a Custom variable to include information about custom contact fields. For example, if you have a Nickname contact field, you can create a custom variable named "contact-Nickname" and Studiometry will add the associated contact's custom Nickname field to the generated invoice or report.

Vendor Related

The vendor's user visible ID. This is shown the client's Vendor Info tab > Vendor ID field.

The name of the Vendor company. This is shown the vendor's Vendor Info tab and the main Client/Project list in the main Studiometry window.

The name of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice or Report Editing window > Output section.

The first name of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice or Report Editing window > Output section.

The last name of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab and in the project Output tab > Invoice Editing window > Output section.

The Address 1 of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The Address 2 of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The city of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The state of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The zip code of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The country of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The email address of the vendor's company. This is shown the vendor's Vendor Info tab.

The email address of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The title of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The notes associated with a vendor. This is shown the vendor's Vendor Info tab.

The vendor's website address. This is shown the vendor's Vendor Info tab.

The highlighted telephone number of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The home phone number of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The work phone number of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The fax number of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The cellular/mobile phone number of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab.

The vendor's Category. This is shown the vendor's Vendor Info tab.

The Other 1 field of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

The Other 2 of the vendor's contact with whom the invoice/report is associated. This is shown the vendor's Contacts tab > Contact Info window > Billing section.

Project Related

Using custom variables, you can add Project specs to your templates. Simply replace (specname) with the name of your spec and Studiometry will replace the entire variable with the info for the associated spec.

Using custom variables, you can add Project spec names to your templates. Simply replace (specname) with the name of your spec and Studiometry will replace the entire variable with the name for the associated spec. If the spec is not added to the project, Studiometry will return a blank string. (Studiometry 7.0.5 and newer)

The project's user visible ID number. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab > Project ID field.

The project's name. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab and in the Client/Project list in the main Studiometry window.

The project's purchase order number. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab > Purchase Order # field.

The project's Estimated Hours. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab.

The project's entered starting date. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab.

The project's category. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab.

The project's status. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab.

The project's deadline date. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab.

The project's date of completion. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab.

The project's entered notes. This is shown in the project's Notes tab.

The project's logs. This is shown in the project's Notes tab.

The project's amount quoted. This is shown in the project's Project Info tab.

The total hours worked on the project. This is shown in the project's Work tab.

The total hours worked on the project in the HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. This is shown in the project's Work tab.

The hours worked on this project for this particular invoice.

The hours worked on this project for this particular invoice in the HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

The total amount of money received for this invoice to date. This is shown in the project's Payment ($) tab.

Date Related

The current date when printing the invoice. For example 9/9/09.

The current date when printing the invoice. For example Wednesday, September 9th, 2009.

The current time when printing the invoice. For example 9:53 AM.

The current year when printing the invoice. For example 2009.

The current day when printing the invoice. For example 9 (representing the 9th day of the month).

The current month when printing the invoice. For example 9 (representing the month of September).

The current month when printing the invoice. For example September.

The current day of the week when printing the invoice. For example Wednesday.


The following tags can be used in data columns in visual templates, as individual variables in data rows in visual templates (Studiometry 6.0 and newer), or between the specified looping tags in code based templates.

Debt/Credit Work Item Related (for use between Item tags)

The date of the work item. This is shown in the project's Work tab.

The work item's assigned type. This is shown in the project's Work tab.

The work item's name. This is shown in the project's Work tab and in Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Description field.

This variable allows you to sequantial number your work items. (1, 2, 3, 4,..etc.)

The individual amount for a specific work item. This is shown in a project's Work tab.

The individual amount for a specific work item. No currency symbol will be shown. This is shown in a project's Work tab.

The is added information pertaining to a specific work item. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Extra Info field.

The notes entry for an individual debt/credit type will be shown for each item. This is information is found in Preferences > Categories tab > Debt/Credit Types section > Debt/Credit Category window > Notes section.

The project specific notes for an individual debt/credit types will be shown for each item. This is found in a project's Notes tab > Project Specific Notes column.

The number of hours recorded for a specific work item. This is shown in a project's Work tab.

The number of hours recorded for a specific work item in the HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. This is shown in a project's Work tab.

The number of minutes recorded for a specific work item.

The hourly rate associated with a specific work item. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Advanced Info section > Rate field.

The hourly rate associated with a specific work item. No currency symbol will be shown. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Advanced Info section > Rate field.

The start time of an hourly debt/credit work item. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Advanced Info section.

The stop time of an hourly debt/credit work item. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Advanced Info section.

Multi-Line itemized info for ran times. Line example: 7/6/2009: 4.50

Multi-Line itemized info for ran times. Line example: 7/6/2009 at 11:34:56 pm to 7/6/2009 at 12:34:56 pm: 1.00

Multi-Line itemized info for ran times. Line example: 11:34:56 pm to 12:34:56 pm: 1.00

Multi-Line itemized info for ran times. Line example: 7/6/2009: 11:34:56 pm - 12:34:56 pm: 1.00

Will show the first and last dates associated with the ran times of the specific item. Example: 7/6/2010 - 7/7/2010

The unit price of a specific work item. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Basic Info -OR- click Window menu > Accounting window > Inventory section.

The unit price of a specific work item. No currency symbol will be shown. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Basic Info -OR- click Window menu > Accounting window > Inventory section.

If the work item is an hourly item it will show the hourly rate. If the work item has a quantity it will show a unit price.

Quantity of the work item. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Basic Info -OR- click Window menu > Accounting window > Inventory section.

The name of the vendor for a particular item. This is shown in the Vendor Info tab > Company Name field. This is selected to be added to invoices in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Vendor field.

The vendor's ID number for a particular item. This is shown in the Vendor Info tab > Vendor ID field.

The vendor unit price. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculate Total section.

The vendor unit price without a currency symbol. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculate Total section.

Total vendor unit price for the item. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculated Amounts section > Vendor Total.

Total vendor unit price for the item without a currency symbol. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculated Amounts section > Vendor Total.

This variable tag will show the hours for the item if it is an hourly type or it will be blank if the item is not hourly. (ItemHours will show 0.00 if the item is not hourly) This is shown in a project's Work tab.

The Fixed Per Unit MarkUp amount for an item. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculate Total section > Fixed Per Unit field.

The Fixed On Total amount for an item. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculate Total section > Fixed On Total field.

This will show the mark-up percentage of a specific work item.

The total markup amount for a specific item. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculate Total section.

The total markup amount for a specific item without a currency symbol. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item) > Calculate Total section.

The number of hours recorded for a specific work item to four decimal spaces. This is shown in a project's Work tab.

The pre-markup amount for items on invoices and reports. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item).

The pre-markup amount for items on invoices and reports without a currency symbol. This item is shown in the project's Work tab > Edit Debt/Credit (Work Item).

This variable tag will show quantity if calculated, hours if hourly, or be blank if neither.

This variable tag will show unit price if calculated, rate if hourly, or be blank if neither.

The name of the project to which the work item is attached. This is shown in a project's Project Info tab > Project Name field.

The project ID number to which the work item is attached. This is shown in a project's Project Info tab > Project ID field.

The project's Purchase Order number to which the work item is attached. This is shown in a project's Project Info tab > Purchase Order # field.

The name of the employee to which the work item is attached. This is shown in the project's Work tab > Debt/Credit Editing window > Basic Info.

The short name of the employee (set in Preferences > Employees tab > Employee Editing window > Employee Settings section.

The first tax listed in a project's Settings and how it applies to each work item.

The second tax listed in a project's Settings and how it applies to each work item.

The third tax listed in a project's Settings and how it applies to each work item.

The total of all taxes for each specific item. 

The total of all taxes for each specific item without a currency symbol.

Payment Related (used in Payment data rowss)

The text entered into the Payment's description field.

The date of the payment.

The selection from the Payment Type popupmenu (ie Credit Card, Cash, etc).

The amount from the payment applied to the current invoice.

The total amount for the payment.

PaymentOtherField1 to PaymentOtherField5
The text entered into the corresponding custom info box in the payment editing window.

Tax Related (used between taxes tags)

The name of the tax associated with the work item. This is shown in a project's Settings tab -OR- Preferences > Taxes.

The amount of the tax associated with the work item.

The percentage of the tax associated with the work item. This is shown in a project's Settings tab -OR- Preferences > Taxes.

The amount of the tax associated with the work item. No currency symbol will be shown.

Tax Related (used between taxeswithvalue tags)

The name of the tax. With value denotes the tax has a total above or below zero for this invoice. This is shown in a project's Settings tab -OR- Preferences > Taxes.

TaxWithValue Amount
The amount of the tax associated with the work item. With value denotes the tax has a total above or below zero for this invoice.

The percentage of the tax associated with the work item. With value denotes the tax has a total above or below zero for this invoice. This is shown in a project's Settings tab -OR- Preferences > Taxes.

The amount of the tax associated with the work item. With value denotes the tax has a total above or below zero for this invoice. No currency symbol will be shown.

Debt Category Related (used between debtcategory tags)

The name of an individual debt/credit category.

The total amount of the individual debt/credit category.

The total amount of hours for an individual debt/credit category.

The total amount of hours to four decimal spaces for an individual debt/credit category.

The Default Amount/Rate related to a specific Debt/Credit category. This is found in the Studiometry Preferences > Categories > Debt/Credit Types > Edit Debt/Credit Menu > Default Amount.

The Default Amount/Rate related to a specific Debt/Credit category without a currency symbol. This is found in the Studiometry Preferences > Categories > Debt/Credit Types > Edit Debt/Credit Menu > Default Amount.

The notes entry for an individual debt/credit category. This is shown in Preferences > Categories tab > Debt/Credit Types section > Debt/Credit Category window > Notes section.

The project specific notes for an individual debt/credit category. This is shown in a project's Notes tab.

Employee Related (used between employee tags)

The name(s) of employees associated with the project. This is shown in a project's People tab.

The total hours an employee worked on the project. This shown in Time Sheet > View Time Sheet.

The amount of money the employee's time is worth before taxes.

The email addresses of employees associated with the project. This is shown in Preferences > Employees tab > Employee Editing window > Extras section > Contact Info field.

The telephone numbers of employees associated with the project. This is shown in Preferences > Employees tab > Employee Editing window > Extras section > Contact Info field.

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  • 0

    No variable for "Report to contact" if not why even have the drop dropdown all I want is to add self to the likes of "deliver to" fields in reports not everything gets delivered to the client

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    The Report To Contact's information will all appear when using the Client Related contact fields, such as ClientContactName. This is done so that the same Client Contact variables can be used on both invoices and reports, so we did not rename the variables for reports.

    The Vendor To Contact's information will all appear when using the Vendor Related contact fields, such as VendorContactName.

  • 0
    Rob Sherrard - Imageer

    Please update these Variables Definitions to incorporate the added variables from 10.1.

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    We will be updating this soon, but in the meantime you can see the purpose of a variable when creating a Visual invoice template by selecting the variable item, and looking in the item properties pane under the Item Information section. It will show the information about the selected variable name below.


  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    What variables do I need to allow for ship to? We are trying to establish a PO that will allow us to select ship to choices from: ourselves, client or other destination. The default template want to ship to the client. Please advise.

  • 0
    Rob Sherrard - Imageer

    Although it's far from ideal, one way to accomplish this would be to set up Report Field(s) _in your PO template for inputting the Ship To_: information as the purchase order is generated. It's not ideal because you would have to hand enter the Ship To information each time, but at least it provides a formatted place to accept the information for insertion into your PO form.

  • 0
    Jules Gravinese

    Minor correction:

    The total amount of money received for this project to date. This is shown in the project's Payment ($) tab.

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