Add High-Resolution Images to Templates

Native PDF Output from Studiometry is only available on Studiometry 9.0 and newer. Using the following method to produce PNGs from previous versions of Studiometry will not result in higher quality output.

To attach a high-res image to one of your templates and ensure that it produces high-quality output when you generate a PDF, use the following steps:

  1. Go to the Preferences Window > Templates section and double-click on your template to edit it.
  2. Drag-and-drop an image file from the Finder into the template editing window.

  3. Your image should now appear to be oversized. You'll want to manually shrink it while constraining the current proportions of the image. To do this, hold the shift key and click and drag any of the resize boxes around the border of the image.

  4. Your image will now appear the correct size on the template. When you generate a PDF the image will retain all of the data and information of the larger file and produce much higher quality output.
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