Visual Template Info Window

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This article was written for Studiometry 10.0 and newer. Some of the content may apply to previous versions, while other content and features may not be available in older versions of Studiometry.

General Template Settings

Template Name The text name of the template, which will be used to reference and access the template throughout Studiometry.
Page Size A list of preset sizes that you can select to change the page size for the template.
Width/Height The page size of the template, in Pixels.


The pages tab lets you set up the number and type of uniquely designed pages that the template will include. You can have an unlimited number of unique pages.

In the pages tab, you must select one page to be your Repeating Page. This page is used to show all items that did not fit onto any other unique pages on your template. It will repeat indefinitely until all items on the invoice have been shown.

If you have a page after your repeating page, or a specific page that does not contain a Data Row or Column, you can check the Always Show checkbox to ensure that it is always shown on your invoice or report. If you leave it unchecked, Studiometry will only show the page if it contains items, or if it is shown sequentially before your items are finished showing.


PDF Backdrops

You can add a PDF backdrops to each unique page on your Studiometry Invoice and Report templates. All variables and items on your template will appear over your PDF backdrop. Your backdrops determine the page size of your template, so make sure that the sizes properly match. To add a PDF backdrop to a page, select the Page from the left, click the Add Backdrop button, and then select the PDF file you'd like to use as a backdrop.


Debt Categories

This section is used to show or hide information about specific categories within the template. This section is explained in detail in a separate KB article:
Showing and Hiding Specific Categories in Invoices and Reports

Report Fields

Report Fields are customizable fields linked to your Report Templates that let you enter specific data while creating a Report. The fields themselves are simply numbered (report field 1, field 2, etc), and you can use the ReportField1Name, ReportField1Content, etc variables to display this information in a generated report. 

To use report fields:

  1. Within the Report Fields tab, select the number of report fields you'd like to use. You can optionally enter default values for both the field or content.
  2. While editing the template itself (after you've exited out of the template info window), click the New Variable button, select the report field value you'd like to show (ReportField1Name, ReportField2Content, etc), and position it on your template where you'd like the content to appear. Save your template using Command-S (Control-S on Windows) when you're finished making changes.
  3. When creating a report for a project, after you select a report template the Fields will appear in the report editing window. You can then enter information into the name or content fields for that specific report.
  4. When generating the visual report, the content you entered in step 3 will appear at the location of the variables you created in step 2. 
It's a simple system that gives you a large amount of customizability for the data entry and display of your reports.
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