Import Your Data To Studiometry

If you are looking to import iBiz data into Studiometry, please see the following KB article:
Import iBiz data into Studiometry



You can import many types of data into Studiometry in a delimited format. 


Export the essential data using whatever directions the other program provides for exporting data into delimited file formats.

Once you have your files in a delimited format.

1.) Open Studiometry.
2.) Click File menu > Import. Select the appropriate location for the data within Studiometry.
3.) Importing the delimited files is a 3 step process that Studiometry walks you through.

4.) Step 1: Select the appropriate files. Designate the type of import if you have not already.
5.) Step 2: Choose the files format. Most likely it will have been selected already. Choose what row you would like to begin the import with.
6.) Step 3: Designate what each column represents.
7.) Press IMPORT. Your files will now be available for use within Studiometry.

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  • 0

    Hi there, a short question. Is it possible to import an existing planning from another program like conceptdraw? 

    Kind Regards.

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    Nicky McCatty

    Which formats will Stuiometry import? 





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    Oranged Support

    The delimited import can be used to import any type of text file. You can export or save a rtf, Word, and many other to delimited text, which is basically just plain text separate by tabs or another delimiter. Studiometry can also import from iCal, Address Book, vCards, and others.

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    John Kilbank

    I can't see how you can import from iCal.  I've exported an .ics file but the program won't let me import it.

  • 0

    any advice about migrating from iBiz? is there delimited file format that would work for import of clients, projects, invoices?

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    Oranged Support

    We implemented an import of iBiz data from an older version back when it used to be called iWork (before Apple bought out the name from them). This is available via the File Menu > Import > iWork Data.

    There's a chance this will work with the newer versions, though it really depends on how much their data has changed since then.

  • 0

    thanks, i'll take a look.

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    Mark Gerber

    I, too, am going to need to get a year or more worth of information into Studiometry from iBiz (v.4.1.4). I've only been able spend a little time on it this evening so I haven't worked it all out yet. But you can use iBiz' reports to export Clients, Projects, or Job Events as either Summaries or Tables that can include all or any of Clients, Projects, or Job Events.

    Import into Studiometry through its File>Import>Delimited Projects (or Clients or Debt/Credits) menu. There are instructions in Studiometry's windows at each stage of the import process, but is there a more thorough description of the process somewhere?

    Importing an iBiz Project will require an existing Client and an iBiz Job Event (Studiometry: Debt/Credit) will need an existing Project to which they can be assigned.

    It looks like it might be possible to import large batches from either iBiz' Summaries or Tables exports and save quite a few steps, but I can't spend more time on it this evening. Hope to return to it in a few days.

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    Philip Tobias

    As yet another iBiz user looking for a replacement application, I too am interested in the simplest possible way to import 8-10 years worth of iBiz client, project, and job data.

    I have been trialing Studiometry 11x - and would buy instantly - if there was a simple way to import my old data. Tell me there is.

  • 0
    Philip Tobias

    We implemented an import of iBiz data from an older version back when it used to be called iWork (before Apple bought out the name from them). This is available via the File Menu > Import > iWork Data.

        There's a chance this will work with the newer versions, though it really depends on how much their data has changed since then.

    I gave the "iWork" import feature a quick test last night. Studiometry correctly imported a number of clients. It also correctly imported the 2004 projects and job events (debts/credits) for the clients. However, projects and events after 2004 were not imported. So most newly-imported clients had no projects or job events associated with them.

    I would be happy to e-mail my iBiz data folder to support, if that would help you identify the current iBiz data scheme. Would that help you to develop an updated data import feature, which would allow us orphaned iBiz users to easily migrate to Studiometry? If so, just let me know where to e-mail the data.

    Hope that helps.

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    HI Phillip,

    Please open a support ticket so we can get your data and try to update that function for newer iBiz formats.


  • 0
    Oranged Support

    We will soon be releasing Studiometry 11.0.2 with improved iBiz importing functions that can import categories, clients, contacts, projects, work/expenses, invoices, and payments. We are currently testing out these new importing functions and hope to have this update released within a week or so. More info soon.

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    Mark Gerber

    Great to see that you've worked to implement this feature so quickly! Looking forward to giving it a try.

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    Hugo Catellier

    Any ways to import Tasks?

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