Accidentally Upgraded to New Version of Studiometry

If you accidentally upgraded your version of Studiometry, and do not wish to continue to use the newer version, here are the steps to use your old version.  For example, if you upgraded from Studiometry 5.x to 6.x and wish to return to 5.x.


1.) Close all copies of Studiometry on your machine(s).
2.) Trash/Delete all copies of Studiometry on your machine. (Do not worry about your files they are stored in a separate file folder.)
3.) Download the version of Studiometry from the Studiometry Archive Site you were using prior to the upgrade.

4.) Open Studiometry.
5.) Select File menu > Restore from Back-up.
6.) FOR MAC: Here is the location of all you Studiometry related items on Mac: Home/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/Old Data
Navigate to the OLD DATA file folder starting from your Home Icon under Places on your hard drive. On Mac OS 10.7 and newer, the Library Folder is hidden by default, so you will need to manually navigate there by going to the Finder, selecting Go Menu > Go To Folder, and pasting in:
~/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/

FOR WINDOWS:  Perform a Search for [com.studiometry.plist] including all hidden files and folders. When it shows up in the search right click on it and select open containing folder.
Navigate to the OLD DATA File folder.

7.) In the OLD DATA folder, select your most recent version data. For example if you were moving from 5.x back to 4.x, it will read like "Version4.1.5.sbu" and you would select this file.
8.) Click on the file and Press OK.
9.) Follow the window prompts and allow Studiometry to restart.

After you have completed the restart, you should be able to see all of your data.

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