Problems Decrypting Data File

If your Studiometry preferences file cannot be decrypted, Studiometry cannot load data such as your employees, categories, and general settings.

There are several reasons why your data file may not be correctly decrypting including:
- You are loading a data file that was encrypted with a different processor than your current processor type
- You are loading a data file that was encrypted with a version of Studiometry built for a different OS

The best steps you can take to decrypt your data to get it working with the current version is to either:
Load Your Old Version of Studiometry and turn off encryption
1. Quit all versions of Studiometry
2. Open your old version of Studiometry. If you do not have it, you can most likely get your old version of Studiometry from:
3. Open your old version and go to the Preferences Window > General section, and uncheck "Encrypt Save Data"
4. Quit Studiometry
5. Open your new version of Studiometry, it will now load your data correctly.

Or Try the Preferences Decrypter Programs
If you cannot find your old version or it does not work, please follow these instructions:
1. Quit all versions of Studiometry
2. Download the Decrypter programs here:
3. There are 3 decrypter programs that were compiled using different combinations of OS and processor. Try them one at a time by first opening "Decrypter A"  and pressing the "Select Specific File To Decrypt" button, you should then select your com.studiometry.plist file located at:
Home/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/com.studiometry.plist
4. The decrypter will tell you if the decryption was successful. If it was, you can launch your new version of Studiometry, if not, you will need to try the next decrypter.


If none of the above works correctly, you may need to manually restore from one of your backups and use the decrypted programs to decrypt the data. To do this:
1. Quit Studiometry
2. Use the decrypted program to attempt to decrypt files that end with .sub that are located at: Home/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/Old Data/
3. If the decrypted program successfully decrypts a file, you can then:
4. Copy and rename the file ending in ".sbu" to Home/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/com.studiometry.plist
5. Copy and rename the file ending in ".dubs" to Home/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/studiometry.sdbf
6. Launch Studiometry

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  • 0

    Neither of these decrypter files will load because they're from an "unidentified developer" and the file cottoning a link to a help page loads a 404 error page

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    On 10.7 or 10.8 and newer, any app that hasn't been code-signed will come up with that warning depending on your system preferences. We code-sign all new versions of our software, but those little apps are a bit older and haven't been updated. You can get around this by right-clicking the program and selecting Open.

    Regarding your problem, it sounds like something has corrupted your com.studiometry.plist file, so we recommend restoring from a backup. Many "preferences cleaners" can interfere with Studiometry's preferences files and cause errors like this, so possibly that was the case. Either way try restoring from one of your backups either manually or using the built in restoring functions.

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