Delete Multiple Items All At Once

You can use the Search window to display any of your various types of data in Studiometry.  In the Search window itself, you can select multiple items at once and delete them all at once.

In other words, you can mass select items and mass delete items.


NOTE:  The ability to delete items in the Search window is completely dependent on your Employee Permissions.  

Navigate to the Search window.

1.)  Click on the Search icon to open the Search window.


2.)  Click Window menu > Search window to open the Search window.


To Delete Items:

Highlight the item by clicking on it once and press the delete key.  Studiometry will warn you that the delete action cannot be undone.  You can press OK to delete the item or Cancel to not delete the item. 

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  • 0
    Barry Bowles

    This does not work for me - the search window will not let me select multiple entries - does anyone know how to do this?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    What version of Studiometry are you using? The search window (Command-Shift-F) works to select multiple items in most recent versions.

  • 0
    Barry Bowles

    I'm using version 10 - the helpdesk has since helped me to resolve this. I was confused thinking the filter screen was the search screen (didn't know they were two different functions) so I thought I had searched using the filter and could not multi-select the result. Now that I know there is a different screen for searching I can multi-select that result. Thanks.

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