Change Tax without modifying Historical Records

Tax rates may change for an area from time to time.

Please follow this simple set of directions to modify your settings to accommodate the new rate, while leaving your historical records intact.

Modifying the value of your existing tax type you have entered in to Studiometry Preferences and attached to Debt/Credits throughout Studiometry will change all records.

To prevent changes to your historical records, create a new tax type separate from your original tax type in Studiometry Preferences > Taxes > [+] plus button New Tax Type. This new version of the tax type can be used from new tax start date on forward and will leave your original tax type entries alone.

IMPORTANT:  After you have created your new tax type, you will have to move to your Studiometry Preferences > Categories > Debt/Credit Types. Check each of your Debt/Credit Types, by double-clicking on them, to make sure the default taxes (if you are using these) are set to the new tax type.

Now from the new start date on forward, you will have to be cognizant of the new VAT tax type and select that when entering Debt/Credits if it is not selected already. 


You can modify the name of the either or both the old and new tax type to make identification easier.  Leave the Old Tax's percentage unchanged.

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