Running Timers

Studiometry's running timers are used to track time while working on a Project.


A running time has a Debt/Credit Type (with a possible default rate), a description, and more information associated with it. Running timers are just extensions of the Debt/Credits that are used to track all Items related to a Project.

Possible ways to start a Running Timer:

  • Use the Running Timers Window, click the Start New button and select your Project.
  • Select your Project in the Main Window Project list, navigate to the Debt/Credit tab, and click the Plus Button. You would then need to select Hourly (or whichever custom Debt/Credit Type you've made) from the popup menu.
  • Mac Only - Setup your Status Item to automatically start a timer when selecting a Project.

Timers can either be Paused, Running or Stopped. When the timer is started, it will start counting up from 00:00:00. When the timer is paused it will remain in the running timers lists, but the visible ran time will revert to 00:00:00 unless your view options are set to show the total time instead of the current interval.

When a timer is started, Studiometry creates a new Time Interval, which can be viewed and edited in the Advanced Info section of the Debt/Credit Editing Window. Studiometry will automatically calculate the total time of all intervals and multiply it by the set rate to produce the total amount for the timer.

If you'd like to enter a custom time amount for a timer, simply click Manually Enter Total Hours in the Debt/Credit Editing Window and enter your desired Total Hours.


To see information about setting up your rates, please view:

Set up hourly rates

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  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    When starting a new timer within a project. The project field populates correctly. However the Client defaults to "All Clients." Is there a setting to make this pick up the Client that the Project is a child of?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    Timers are only linked to Projects, and the projects themselves are linked to the clients. Because of this, the clients field is simply a filter for the project selector in the new timer window. If you are creating a new timer and a project is selected, the timer will be attached to that Project (and by association, but not directly, attached to the project's client).

  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    Yes, but projects are linked to clients. As such the "clients" filter should reflect the project being timed. It should not apply to All Clients. Or, does the All Client not need to be selected and it will default in the database correctly to the project. Visually, it looks like not changing it from "All Clients" could introduce association errors.

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    Correct, the "All Clients" popup is simply a filter for the Projects popup in the window. If you select a specific client, the projects popup will be filtered based on the selected client. If you do not select a client and leave it as "All Clients", all projects will be shown.

    To create a timer, you simply need to select a project. 

  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    Great saves a step. We have been reselecting the Client to match the Project when starting a new timer from within a project.

  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    Can an anonymous timer be created then re-associated. Or can a timer be created then re-associated to another project?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    Timers must be assigned to a project when created, but can later be moved to other projects. You can drag/drop them onto another project in the projects list, or copy/cut/paste from the Work tab of a project.

  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    Please clarify with screenshots. I cannot drag and drop a running timer to anything but the watch list.

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    You can drag/drop only when in the Clients/Projects views, since those list out the projects in the second column. If you have the Projects group selected in the leftmost pane, for example, you can drag&drop a timer from one project's overview or work list onto another project listed in the second pane.

    You can also copy/paste in the Project's work views.

  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    Got it. Mahalo.

  • 0
    Ken McGuire

    Spoke too soon. Item(s) wonʻt drag. Just keeps opening another sub window. 


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