Potential Locations for logging notes into Studiometry

You may want to record information for reference at any time.  There are several ways to record notes, figures, project specs, or other types of information within Studiometry.


Here is a list of potential places where you can store notes or record important information in Studiometry.

1.) Client Info pane > Notes Section.
2.) Client Contacts pane > Contact Info > Contact Logs or Notes section.
3.) Client Contacts pane > Contact Info > Notes section.
4.) Project Info pane > Project Specs.
5.) project Notes pane > Notes or Logs or Project Category Specific Notes
6.) Work pane > Work Items (Debt Credits) > Extra Info section
7.) Output tab > [+] plus button for new Report > Create an official report with information contained.
8.) project Files pane > Local Files or Served Files.

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