Video: Categories & Rates

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  • 0
    Pat McGee

    What does the Auto-Update Project Statuses checkbox at the bottom do?

    I can't find this info anywhere!

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    If that checkbox is checked, then Studiometry will automatically change each Project's status based on if the project has (a)

     debts added, (b) invoices created, or (c) all invoices paid. You can modify the settings for the auto-update statuses by clicking the button next to the checkbox (named "Edit Settings" in the video, but in more recent versions the name has been changed to "Auto-Update Settings...").

    Please note, enabling this option will give Studiometry the power to automatically change all of your project statuses whenever the rules are matched. This means that if you change your project status manually, it may still change back to the setting you have chosen here.

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    We've updated the Categories & Rates video above with the new interface and features of recent Studiometry releases.

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