Accounted Save Data (.actd file format)
How do I move and rename the .actd file without losing my data?
This may have happened to you...
"I quit Accounted and was not prompted to save but I saw a file in my "Documents" folder called "New Accounted Company.actd" so I assumed my information was stored there. I moved that file into a sub-folder and renamed it, but when I opened Accounted I found that all the information was missing. When I moved the file back to "Documents" and renamed it to the original name then the information came back."
Here is how to move your move and rename your data file:
1. Quit Accounted
2. Move and rename the file to wherever you would like it located
3. Open Accounted (your data will not load as it is not where Accounted expects it to be)
4. Use the File Menu > Open command and select the file from the new location
Accounted will now load the data and now know to look for the data in the new location.