Accounted 4.0 and newer on the Mac App Store are now "sandboxed." This is an attempt by Apple to make the programs available from the Mac App Store more secure. This will cause some changes to how you can access and edit data using Accounted 4.
The most important change is that Accounted can no longer access any files outside of its Sandboxed container. This means that if your 3.x data files were stored on your desktop or in your documents folder, Accounted 4.x won't be able to access them.
Loading Your Existing 3.x Data Files
Accounted will attempt to load any 3.x data, but may not be able to due to the new restrictions. If your data is not loaded when you first launch Accounted 4, please do the following:
- Go to the Finder
- In a new Finder window, type ".actd" without the quotes into the search box at the top-right of the finder window.
- You should see one or more Accounted data files. You can double-click any of these to open them in Accounted.
- At that point, Accounted will walk you through the steps of copying the data into the Sandboxed container
Managing Multiple Accounted Files
We've added in a new window to help you manage the files that you're unable to easily see in the Finder. Accounted will let you select from any file within the Sandbox, or remove files from the window that appears. When you open a new Accounted file, a copy will be made in the Sandboxed container and a link will be added to the Open Files window.