Accounted now available in Mac App Store - 50% off for first week

Accounted in the Mac App Store

Accounted, the professional-grade double-entry accounting system tailored specifically for small businesses, is now available in the Mac App store. To celebrate our first product launch into the new Mac App store, we're offering Accounted for 50% off for the first week through the Mac App store only.

MacAppStore.png Accounted in the Mac App Store


Accounted 3.0.1 Update Available

Registered users of Accounted 3.x can also update to version 3.0.1 for free, which includes several updates and improvements. Optimized performance, improved importing capabilities, and several minor bug fixes are on the list of updates. You can grab this version at the usual download location:


Studiometry 9.0 Beta Signups Soon

Within the next couple of week we will be opening signups for the Studiometry 9.0 beta process. If you'd like to try out the new version before it's released, be sure to keep an eye on our Twitter account, blog, or email list. Studiometry 9.0 will have hundreds of new features and updates that were almost all specifically requested by our great users.



For a full list of changes in 3.0.1, please visit:


More information available at:


Pricing Information:
Single User License: $79.95 USD
Upgrade License (from 1.x or 2.x): $19.95


Available for purchase at:

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