Phasing Out Universal Binary Support in Studiometry and Accounted

With the release of Studiometry 9.0.3, we will begin phasing out support for older Macs with PowerPC processors, transitioning from what is called a “Universal Binary” to an “Intel-only” binary. We must make this transition for several reasons, the most important of which is to keep up with the tools and technologies used to create and run Studiometry itself.

Apple requires an Intel processor to run Mac OS 10.6 and 10.7. They also do not allow Universal Binaries on their Mac App Store. In keeping up with Apple's transition, many of the tools we use to create Studiometry are also phasing out PowerPC support. We have no choice but to follow suit and switch Studiometry to an Intel-only build.

This transition will only affect Macs built before 2006. To see if your computer has a PowerPC processor, go to Apple Menu > About This Mac. The window that appears should show information about your processor.

  • If your processor name includes "Intel", then your computer will not be affected.
  • If it includes "PowerPC", your computer will not be capable of running the main download of Studiometry 9.0.3 or newer.

We will be building and releasing Universal Binary versions of Studiometry 9.x for any critical updates. These versions, as well as downloads of all previous versions, are available at:

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our valued customers.


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    Mike Meiners

    You say "If it includes 'PowerPC', your computer will not be capable of running the main download of Studiometry 9.0.3 or newer.", but the download archive link shows a "Universal Binary" version.

    Are you saying that there is still a "Universal Binary" version that will run on a PowerPC, but you just need to manually download it from the download archives page?

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    Oranged Support

    Mike: Yes, you are correct. The main download link for Studiometry on Mac is Intel-only. If you have a PowerPC processor you'll need to download the Universal Binary version from the archives.

    For future updates of Studiometry 9.x, and possibly a couple versions of Studiometry 10.x, we will be releasing a Universal Binary version to our archives, but we will eventually be unable to create and build these versions. 

  • 0

    As the modernization of SM continues (Yeah!) I would like to lift up the idea that SM add tags to its items (contacts, clients, todos, events, etc.). This is in addition to, not a replacement for SM's current set of categories available by way of SM's preferences).  In particular, and crucially, tags that are in alignment with being shared with other programs.  Doing so would simultaneously free Oranged from trying to do everything itself, and make SM a pivotal player in the growing Apple CRM/Project management/invoicing ecosystem.

    Mail management is a good example.  SM9 can, via several really nice direct and indirect mechanisms handle integrating a contact's mail into SM9.  The addition of tags that are compatible with MailTags ( would provide SM a level of interoperability now afforded to others, like OmniFocus.  By getting the tagging architecture down, OmniFoucs stays focused on getting the task management stuff down right and updating down at a relevant rate, MailTags keeps the tagging of Mail down right and updating at a relevant rate and Apple gets mail down right and updating at a relevant rate.

    Tapping into this growing tagging architecture may help Oranged to continue to get the majorly complex job of CRM/project management/invoicing  updating at a relevant rate.

    Just my thoughts on keep the great work Oranged is doing with SM on track at being the best CRM/project management/invoicing mac os/i os app ecosystem.

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    Agree with Kadso (who I know from CP support?)

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    Hey Robbie.  The same.  Nice to see you make the trip over.

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    Totally different positive vibe at Studio compared to difficult and arrogant CP duo..wish Studio would buy CP and merge while keeping CP's outstanding UI ha ha..then it would be the ultimate application for all business etc :)

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    agreed on all fronts. 

  • 0

    there you go..Tom and Studio CP and morph it into Studio for your Mac clients?..or is that buying someone else's problems?..rumour has it you are planning to write specific new MacOS code anyhow?

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