Studiometry 9.1 Adds Assigned Projects Report, Sparrow compatibility, full iCal calendar importing, and much more

Studiometry 9.1 is now available for download and purchase, see the official press release here:


What's New in Studiometry 9.1:

  • New Summary: Employees' Assigned Projects, shows all employees and a filterable list of their assigned projects
  • Can now choose Sparrow as the default outgoing email client
  • Can now choose to import an entire calendar from iCal
  • Can now include To Dos and events when inserting a project delay or changing project start date in the Gantt chart
  • New option to show a New Log button next to the timer and to do buttons in the main window's projects list
  • Selecting multiple logs and clicking the minus button below log list will correctly delete all selected logs
  • Will now show the currently selected syncing Calendar and Reminders list in the calendar selection window
  • Fixed an syncing issue with Lion iCal and creating items on a separate calendar and them moving them to the Studiometry synced calendar
  • Will now show correct label for "Show" in Data Row editor when an item is selected
  • Having line item in an Invoice that is too large to fit will no longer occasionally cause certain items to not appear
  • Will now refresh the Custom Summaries list more often
  • Fixed an issue where Lion iCal would send Studiometry update notifications before updated information was available
  • Fixed an issue selecting a Log's type when opening the edit log window
  • "All Day" items synced from iCal on Lion should now display properly display on all calendar modes
  • Will now always properly show special characters in Currency drop down lists
  • Will now properly show all ampersands in more Popup menus
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse-up event on the button in the edit contacts window will no longer cause meaningless warning to fire
  • Can now Maximize the View Gantt Chart window
  • When there is no IP address for the connected server, the client machine will warn that it has probably been disconnected
  • More strict about not checking for updates from iCal when syncing has been disabled completely

Studiometry 9.1 is a free update for registered 9.x users. Registered users of Studiometry 8.x and older can upgrade to Studiometry 9.x for a discounted upgrade price.

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