Studiometry 9.2 is now available for download and purchase, see the official press release here:
What's New in Studiometry 9.2:
- Can now customize the display format for project name and ID throughout the program
- Can now assign default markup rates and amounts for Expense types
- Can now enter markup values in the Enter Timesheet window
- Can now assign a default Project Category to Project Templates
- Can now assign default Project Notes to Project Templates
- Can now choose to disable Project ID assignment when creating a new Project
- Can now right-click on the Project Name or ID field to generate a new ID for the project
- Project Summary has new Employee comparison chart, showing estimated compared to actual work for each employee
- Redone and improved interface in ID Numbering preferences section
- Expanded the date columns in log and to do views to fit longer date formats
- Will now show longer Log Type names in the logs list
- Fixed an issue with the OK and Cancel buttons in the Contact editing window sometimes not registering
- Will now save exchange rates for invoices and reports to ensure that invoices in the non-default currency will always match up with work items in a separate non-default currency
- Can now create work items from the To Do contextual menus
- New contextual menu in the Calendar allows the creation of timers or work items
- Will now use the selected outgoing email client when clicking on Email links throughout the program
- Project Summary tab will now only show Debt/Credit categories that have estimated or actual values not equaling zero
- Added variables for InvoiceTotalQuantity, ReportTotalQuantity and DebtCategoryTotalQuantity
- Added DebtCategoryQuantityOrHours variable
- Added variable for ProjectNameAndID that will use the new customizable name and ID format
- Can now right-click on the project name or ID field to copy the formatted Name and ID string
- Can now sort invoices by ID number in custom summaries
- New option in View Settings to display formatted Project Name and ID in Projects list
- Creating new Debt/Credits will now default to the associated Project's currency
- Added new Folder Structure Summary for displaying a report of a specific directory and its contents
- Can now include Project ID numbers in name display in many areas of the program
- Can now use Command-N to create a new timer while in the timers window
- Double-clicking a client or project in most views will now activate the default Info tab
- Selecting a type in the Enter Timesheet window will now immediately give focus to the hours/quantity field
- Will no longer immediately show a cursor in the Lock window when it isn't the active window
- Will now immediately update contact list in all situations when creating a new contact
- Will now show project color in Employee Assigned Projects report
- Will respect the employee permission to Edit Timers when creating a new work item manually
- Will now sync default categories across the network
- Will now immediately sync spec and to do suites across the network when connecting to a server
- Can now only set default categories on the server machine
- Employees must now have the ability to view rates and view other employees' work items to see the Project Estimated amount and hours
- Other improvements to visual layout of employee assigned projects report
- Fixed an issue with iCal syncing causing duplicates
- Fixed an issue with selecting an expense item in the Time Sheet window not immediately updating the Quantity field
- Fixed a potential issue with syncing ID formats over the network
- Fixed an issue displaying a certain event duration on the calendar
- Fixed issue with displaying number of files when using File serving
- Fixed an issue syncing with Studiometry Touch where contacts would not appear during some syncs
- Fixed an issue with the Go To Webpage button on some machines
- Fixed an issue with buttons in Edit Contact window