Studiometry 9.2 Adds Over 40 Enhancements Including Improved Markups, Summaries, and Project Templates

Studiometry 9.2 is now available for download and purchase, see the official press release here:


What's New in Studiometry 9.2:

  • Can now customize the display format for project name and ID throughout the program
  • Can now assign default markup rates and amounts for Expense types
  • Can now enter markup values in the Enter Timesheet window
  • Can now assign a default Project Category to Project Templates
  • Can now assign default Project Notes to Project Templates
  • Can now choose to disable Project ID assignment when creating a new Project
  • Can now right-click on the Project Name or ID field to generate a new ID for the project
  • Project Summary has new Employee comparison chart, showing estimated compared to actual work for each employee
  • Redone and improved interface in ID Numbering preferences section
  • Expanded the date columns in log and to do views to fit longer date formats
  • Will now show longer Log Type names in the logs list
  • Fixed an issue with the OK and Cancel buttons in the Contact editing window sometimes not registering
  • Will now save exchange rates for invoices and reports to ensure that invoices in the non-default currency will always match up with work items in a separate non-default currency
  • Can now create work items from the To Do contextual menus
  • New contextual menu in the Calendar allows the creation of timers or work items
  • Will now use the selected outgoing email client when clicking on Email links throughout the program
  • Project Summary tab will now only show Debt/Credit categories that have estimated or actual values not equaling zero
  • Added variables for InvoiceTotalQuantity, ReportTotalQuantity and DebtCategoryTotalQuantity
  • Added DebtCategoryQuantityOrHours variable
  • Added variable for ProjectNameAndID that will use the new customizable name and ID format
  • Can now right-click on the project name or ID field to copy the formatted Name and ID string
  • Can now sort invoices by ID number in custom summaries
  • New option in View Settings to display formatted Project Name and ID in Projects list
  • Creating new Debt/Credits will now default to the associated Project's currency
  • Added new Folder Structure Summary for displaying a report of a specific directory and its contents
  • Can now include Project ID numbers in name display in many areas of the program
  • Can now use Command-N to create a new timer while in the timers window
  • Double-clicking a client or project in most views will now activate the default Info tab
  • Selecting a type in the Enter Timesheet window will now immediately give focus to the hours/quantity field
  • Will no longer immediately show a cursor in the Lock window when it isn't the active window
  • Will now immediately update contact list in all situations when creating a new contact
  • Will now show project color in Employee Assigned Projects report
  • Will respect the employee permission to Edit Timers when creating a new work item manually
  • Will now sync default categories across the network
  • Will now immediately sync spec and to do suites across the network when connecting to a server
  • Can now only set default categories on the server machine
  • Employees must now have the ability to view rates and view other employees' work items to see the Project Estimated amount and hours
  • Other improvements to visual layout of employee assigned projects report
  • Fixed an issue with iCal syncing causing duplicates
  • Fixed an issue with selecting an expense item in the Time Sheet window not immediately updating the Quantity field
  • Fixed a potential issue with syncing ID formats over the network
  • Fixed an issue displaying a certain event duration on the calendar
  • Fixed issue with displaying number of files when using File serving
  • Fixed an issue syncing with Studiometry Touch where contacts would not appear during some syncs
  • Fixed an issue with the Go To Webpage button on some machines
  • Fixed an issue with buttons in Edit Contact window


Studiometry 9.2 is a free update for registered 9.x users. Registered users of Studiometry 8.x and older can upgrade to Studiometry 9.x for a discounted upgrade price.

Download Studiometry 9.2:

Purchase Studiometry:
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  • 0
    Frank Mulhern

    HUGE update!

  • 0
    Christoph Polus

    Will there be an update for Express, too?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    Yes, we will be submitting Studiometry Express 9.2 to the Mac App Store some time this week.

  • 0
    Jeremy D'Arcy

    Thanks for the continuous updates for this great piece of software! But I have to ask... When will you be integrating better support for Vendors? It's a big piece that is missing is the ability to manage Vendors time on a Client Project, and manage payouts to these vendors from the same Project area. Currently the Vendors are set up separately and there's no way to assign them to existing client projects. This would be extremely helpful for managing subcontractors on a project.

  • 0
    Mike Meiners

    What's going on with the keyboard tabbing between fields in the "Enter TImesheet" window? After auto-completing a Client, it automatically jumps to the "Hours" field. Shouldn't it go the "Project" next? Every time I enter the client, I have to tab all the way back around to "Project" to select my project.

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    The point of the jump is to go straight to the hours entry once you select a project, but the problem is that selecting a client also automatically selects a project and causes the jump. We will be removing the jump entirely from 9.2.1 and you'll be able to just manually hit tab a few times to get there.

  • 0
    Dominique Sweeney

    Is the update for Express coming? And is there one for Accounted also?

  • 0
    Christoph Polus

    Any updates on the 9.2 express version? You mentioned to submit the Express version to the App Store in May. It's now September and it's still 9.0.5 as far as I can see... any updates on this?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    We are working on an update for Studiometry Express and Accounted on the MAS, and it is currently delayed because of the work we're doing on coming up to speed with Apple's Sandboxing requirements. We are sorry for the delay and are doing everything we can to bring the updates to the App Store versions of our software. We hope to have an update available very soon.

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