Studiometry 9.2.1 Released

Studiometry 9.2.1 is now available, fixing several issues and adding many tweaks throughout the program. This is as always a free update for registered 9.x. users. Full details are available below.

What's New in Studiometry 9.2.1:

  • Fixed an issue with automatically opening the .sut file type
  • Fixed an issue where items could temporarily appear twice on the calendar when iCal syncing is enabled
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a debt/credit with the contextual menu would not stick
  • Fixed an issue with double-clicking on projects in the Client's Projects tab to select them in the main window
  • Fixed issue where recurring items were being added to automated invoicing schedules
  • Fixed an issue where the Project Combined Name and ID format could cause issues when exporting Invoices to PDF
  • Fixed issue with rearranging items in the To Do Suite window
  • Fixed an issue where you may need to resize the Invoice or Report editing windows to cause the scroll bar sizes to update
  • Will now take further steps to hide the typing cursor on the Lock screen when it is not the active window on Windows setups
  • Fixed an issue showing invoices in their default currency in some locations
  • Will no longer jump from the Project selection to hour selection in the Enter Timesheet window


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