Studiometry 10.1 is immediately available as a free update for registered Studiometry 10.x users. This update adds the ability to lock editing of paid invoices and associated items, improved project and client spec reporting, improved smart groups with nested clients and projects, and much more.
This update also adds several general behavior updates such as the ability to modify multiple To Dos simultaneously, improved To Do suite editing, and report duplicating. The full list of changes can be found below:
- New Billing Settings option to lock editing on work and expense items associated with paid invoices
- Can now show all Project or Client spec information on invoices and reports
- New Data Row area for Project Specs, Project Specs with Value, Client Specs, and Client Specs with value
- New Calculate button for markup in Timesheets window that will let you enter Cost and desired Total and have markup amounts calculated
- Can show Project Stage information in custom summaries
- Changed behavior of smart groups with both Client and Project rules. These groups will now show Projects nested within their associated Clients. Clients must match all client rules and projects must match all project rules and be attached to a matching client
- Can now choose to combine multiple blueprint quantities into one created item
- Contextual menu items will process for all To Dos when there are multiple items selected
- Contextual clicks on custom listboxes with multiple selected items will no longer occasionally clear the current selection
- New option to by default create Projects as Non-Public
- New option in the New Project window to make the project Public or Non-Public
- Can now Copy Address and Copy Mailing Label Address via contextual menus for contacts
- New multi-line variables for invoice/report templates: ClientFullAddress, ClientMailingLabel
- Can now put <V> into the purchase order ID format to add the vendor's ID number to a purchase order ID number
- Added ability to duplicate reports
- Can now reorder specs and spec suites
- Can now delete multiple specs/suites simultaneously
- New ClientContactNotes variable
- New Report Template variables: ItemRecurAmount, ItemRecurPeriod, ItemNextRecurDate
- When editing To Do Suites, you can now leave the Days column blank to create a to do without a due date
- When adding To Dos through a Project Template, you can now specify items to not have Due Dates
- Lists of projects throughout the program will now use the selected sort order for the main window
- Lists of projects throughout program will now use selected project display formatting from the main window
- Will now show total hours per day in Weekly timesheet
- Will now give an option when emailing out a purchase order to choose between Vendor and Client email addresses
- Can now shift-click to select multiple rows when editing the Auto-Complete descriptions list
- Changed "Edit Project Spec Suites" to "Edit Spec Suites" in the File Menu > Suites section
- New options to to automatically use Report Template defaults, Use Current Info, or Ask when changing report templates
- Will now choose more recent date range for payment tracker
- Can now remove images that were assigned to work items
- Contact Import window from Address Book issues fixed
- Will now show Company Name in Address Book importing window
- Will now show X on all machines for completed To Dos and Items Having tax variables instead of glyphs
- Optimized code for storing and loading arrays in the database
- Unit price and various other fields will now only show two decimal places unless there are more available in value
- Fixed an issue where line subtotals would not appear in timesheet entry window for some users
- Will no longer incorrectly show an associated client when editing a new project's estimate time sheet window
- Fixed issue where dragging items on a template with PDF background could cause display issues
- Fixed issue where employees who had permissions to create vendors but not clients could not create new vendors
- Fixed some display issues when showing the individual line item totals in the enter time sheet window
- Fixed issue with VendorAddress2 not working
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