Studiometry 11.1 gets sub-projects, resource management, improved drag and drop, and over 60 improvements

We’ve added more awesome features to the beautiful Studiometry 11! Two months ago, we released Studiometry 11 with a brand new interface and a ton of new features. Today, we’re releasing Studiometry 11.1 with several great user-requested features.

Sub-projects are now possible in Studiometry. They’re incredibly simple to set up. Just drag and drop one project onto another and you’ve got a sub-project! This is a great way to compartmentalize your planning, work, and billing, making your projects less cluttered and more organized.

Another big addition is the ability to manage resources. Resources include anything that you can reserve for an event or task, such as conference rooms, equipment, etc. You can view their availability right in Studiometry’s calendar. Studiometry will alert you of scheduling conflicts and make suggestions for changes.

What else is new:

  • Drag-and-drop improvements
  • Notes and logs in overviews
  • Updated interfaces for estimate and invoice lists
  • New variables for custom summaries and invoice templates
  • And more!

Studiometry 11.1 is a free update for registered users of Studiometry 11.x, and is available today for download and purchase. New users as well as users of previous versions will get a free 30-day trial. Upgrades from Studiometry 10.x start at $59.95 USD per license, while upgrades from 9.x or older are $99.95 USD per license.

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  • 0
    Jeff Fisher

    Thank you so much for sub-projects. Been wanting this for a long time!

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