Studiometry 11.1.1 adds several new features and fixes. We've added the ability to export the Project Actual vs Quoted Report to delimited text, added new invoice/report template variables, and fixed some minor bugs.
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New in Studiometry 11.1.1:
- Added Ability to export Project Actual vs Quoted report to delimited text
- Added DebtCategoryTax and DebtCategoryTotalWithTax variables
- Add and delete buttons for Client’s Projects view
- Will hide invoices with a balance of zero from the Apply To Invoices list when creating a new payment
- Exporting the view timesheet window to text file will now correctly use the split dates instead of the main item’s created dates
- Fixed issue with advanced billing setting Create Projects as Non-Live not working properly
- Fixed display issue in Debt/Credit window ran times section for items that have times but no dates
- Fixed issue with error appearing when typing in a non-matching name for a project into the weekly timesheet window
- Fixed issue with saving last window position for invoice template editor
- Will now properly save the last selection for Starting new timers for manually created work items