Studiometry 12.5.3 Released

Studiometry 12.5.3 is available today and contains several new features and fixes. We've added a debug window you can access when launching Studiometry to control several backend settings. We've also updated several other things related to timers, time sheets, templates, networking, and forms. See the full list of changes below.

Studiometry 12.5.3 is a free update for registered users of Studiometry 12.x, and is available today for download and purchase. New users as well as users of previous versions will get a free 30-day trial. Upgrades from Studiometry 11.x start at $59.95 USD per license, while upgrades from 10.x or older are $99.95 USD per license.


New in Studiometry 12.5.3:

  • Added new Debug window that can be accessed on launch by holding the Control and Shift keys
  • Can now easily reveal Studiometry's data folder before launching via the Debug window
  • Can now reset window positions via the Debug window
  • Can now enable Debug mode via the Debug window
  • Fixed issue with Items Awaiting Invoice hours column not calculating correctly
  • Removed permissions requirement to view others debts for the Project Budget window
  • Will now properly use selected employee's "override default timer" setting in timesheet windows instead of the currently logged in employee
  • Changing selected employee in timesheet windows will update all rows with the appropriate default rate
  • Can now add spec data row types into a Combo data row setup
  • Project creation window now has field for Project Deadline
  • Changing the start date of a Gantt item that has linked To Dos will also update the due date of the associated To Dos
  • The main projects list will no longer periodically reset its scroll position when receiving updates over Studiometry Cloud or traditional networking
  • Will no longer lose expanded client selection in main window's Clients list when receiving networking updates
  • Fixed Add Form option from project/client overview plus button
  • Added popup menu to easily access your list of auto-saved descriptions in Work & Expense editing window on Windows.
  • Fixed issue with report field variables after the initial three not correctly appearing in variables list when editing a report template's data row area
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