Studiometry 12.6.1 Security Updates & Other Changes

Studiometry 12.6.1 focuses on expanding the security of the app and your data. This update improves various aspects of security in the locally stored data files, as well as increased security measures and improved protocols when using traditional networking or Cloud networking.

Studiometry 12.6.1 is a free update for registered users of Studiometry 12.x, and is available today for download and purchase. New users as well as users of previous versions will get a free 30-day trial. Upgrades from Studiometry 11.x start at $59.95 USD per license, while upgrades from 10.x or older are $99.95 USD per license.


What's New in Studiometry 12.6.1:

  • Improved various aspects of Studiometry's security in locally stored files, traditional networking, and Cloud networking (more details below)
  • Improved syncing behavior when sending a very large number of updated items to Studiometry Cloud
  • Can now add optional field description text to Big Text fields on Forms
  • Added view setting to sort Projects in main list by Deadline
  • Smart groups can now have a Live/Non-Live selection in addition to Project or Client rules when Match is set to Any. This will allow the group to force showing only live or non-live items while still allowing the flexibility of setting up several rules using the Match Any method
  • New Reports will have Custom item set selected by default
  • When manually editing previously ran times for a timer, Studiometry will no longer automatically calculate the total hours if there is no start or stop time entered.
  • Will now ask for confirmation when deleting a Group using the contextual menu item
  • Fixed issue with importing special UTF8 characters using the Apple Mail integration features

Security Enhancements:

  • Will now store passwords with a stronger password hashing method PBKDF2
  • Now uses stronger encryption methods when authenticating via Cloud or traditional networking
  • Improved server-side authentication verification when receiving requests on a traditional networking server
  • Improved server-side authentication verification when sending updates to clients from a traditional networking server
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    Oranged Support

    Studiometry 12.6.1 is now available and is a recommended update for anyone using Studiometry 12.x. This version is also now required for connecting with Studiometry Cloud.

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