Scroll down to the Getting Started section at bottom of this page to learn how to setup your Zapier integration.
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a free service (with paid options) that enables you to automate tasks between online apps. Basically, it will let you create customized integrations between Studiometry and hundreds of popular apps, including:
- Slack
- Gmail
- Dropbox
- Google Docs
- Wordpress
- Evernote
- Xero
- And over 500+ apps and services
For more information, please visit their help center to read about what Zapier is and can do:
Why does this require Studiometry Cloud?
Zapier integrates with "online apps." It's simply not possible to integrate with Zapier (and the 500+ apps on their platform) without a dedicated, centralized cloud backend to handle the API requests.
What can we do with the integration?
The possibilities are nearly endless. In terms of the what you can get out of and put into Studiometry, you have the following Actions, Triggers, and Searches.
You can use Zapier to add data to Studiometry (using what are called Actions), such as:
- Create To Dos
- Create Logs
- Create Clients
- Create Contacts
You can also send notifications to your other apps when certain things (called Triggers) occur in Studiometry:
- To Do Created or assigned to an employee
- Project Created or assigned to an employee
- Project Status changed
You can also use Searches to find specific items from Studiometry to be used in your Zaps. You can search for:
- Projects
- Clients
- Contacts
- Employees
Will more Triggers, Actions, or Searches be added?
Yes, definitely! However, Zapier requires that newly added apps start with a small subset of their capabilities, which we can then gradually expand upon based on user feedback. If there's something you'd like to have added to the integration possibilities, let us know and we'll be glad to work on it!
Getting Started
1. First you'll need to make sure you're logged in to a Studiometry Cloud account. If you haven't signed up or enabled Studiometry Cloud, you can learn more about how to do that here: Setting up Studiometry Cloud.
2. Next, you'll need to sign up for Zapier and access the Studiometry app. To access Studiometry on Zapier, follow the link here: Studiometry on Zapier
3. Once you've got your Zapier account set up, you'll need your API key to link Zapier with your Studiometry Cloud account. To get your API key, go to Studiometry and select Cloud Menu > Get API Key...
4. You can then setup your Zaps to integrate Studiometry with over 500 other apps and services.