Studiometry 15.0.4 Released

We've release a new version with various features and enhancements added to the recent Studiometry 15 release. Here's what's new:

  • Can filter File menu > View All GANTT Charts window by employee
  • Organized the Advanced Billing window settings to allow for more advanced settings to fit in there!
  • Fixed issue with contextual menu Paste option not working for To Dos in certain situation
  • Will now once again display version build number in About window
  • Will now warn more vigorously when using the Cut command on To Dos
  • Can no longer click headers in the To Do suites window
  • Using the Export button in the To Do suites window will export the current list of pending suites instead of the saved list
  • Fixed a few potential crashes
  • Updated macOS SDK used to build app to 10.14


Some useful links:

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  • 0
    Dana Carter

    Does "Updated macOS SDK used to build app to 10.14" mean we need that operating system to use the new version?

  • 0
    Oranged Support

    @Dana Nope! Just means that Studiometry is built using the newest developing tools. You can still use it on older operating systems as long as they meet the system requirements (10.9 or newer)

  • 0
    Dana Carter

    Great thank you. Nice update, BTW!

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