Studiometry 16.1.2 Released

Studiometry 16.1.2 is available now with a couple of particular bug fixes, as well as some new invoice template variables and quality of life enhancements. If you have your employee password saved, Studiometry will automatically attempt to login once on launch to save a few clicks when first getting into the app. We only have so many clicks to use in life, we shouldn't needlessly waste them .


  • Mass email window can be filtered by custom groups and smart groups
  • ProjectEstimatedMinusBillableTotal invoice and report template variable added
  • ProjectEstimatedMinusBillableHours invoice and report template variable added
  • ProjectEstimatedMinusBillableHoursFormatted invoice and report template variable added
  • ProjectBillableTotal invoice and report template variable added
  • Will now automatically attempt to log in on launch if you have your employee and password saved
  • Will indicate in Edit Picture button if a picture is already attached to a work item in the work editing window
  • Fixed issue on Mac with default invoice save location on external hard drives
  • Improved pathing in general to local files to use more updated and reliable system methods
  • When editing a timer, if you change the rate and then attempt to stop or pause the timer before saving, the window warn you and prevent the action to ensure there isn't a miscalculation



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