A proper PDF export for estimates and invoices. The PNG export is very poor. (AlbertZ's request, Fri, Jan 7, 2011)
Oranged Support Currently on Mac OS X you can export a PDF for estimates and invoices by selecting Print and then using the PDF button to save or email a PDF. This doesn't work on Windows and isn't the best option available so this is definitely something we will be adding to a future version of Studiometry.
Michael Barker Would this third-party realbasic plugin do the trick?: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/plugin-dynapdf.shtml "Create, import and modify PDF files on Mac, Windows and Linux. Includes PDF split and merge, fonts embedding and text extraction" — seems like it would allow pdf-import and pdf-combining too, which might work for my proposal to provide a feature allowing users to import PDF backgrounds for templates — which would make it much easier to convert an existing layout to a studiometry template.
Oranged Support Yes that is what we will most likely be using to form the PDFs natively on Mac & PC. We already use the Monkeybread plugin for several other things throughout the program and we have been very happy with the quality of the product.
Michael Barker It seems like that plugin might also allow importing of PDF files as background elements for invoice/report templates — this would be a quick way to build template artwork from existing letterhead and forms and would be better for retaining image quality for vector elements than converting to a bitmap format.
Justyn Walker Who uses PNG for sending invoices??? What client wants an image of their invoice? PDF please!
Albert Zeeman I would like to know what the status is. I cant wait ;-)
All the best,
Oranged Support PDF export has already been implemented for the current 9.0 alpha, and will definitely be available in the first Studiometry 9.0 release. We will be opening up the 9.0 beta within the next month or two, we'll have more information available soon.
Albert Zeeman Great!
Magenta That's awesome! Thank you guys for both the transparency in development as well as the responsiveness to feedback.
Michael Barker Maybe I'm picking nits, but I don't see how this can be labeled 'Done' when it's still in beta.
Oranged Support This feature is completed and implemented but the entire beta isn't. We are trying to be as transparent as possible so we're letting people know when specific features have been completed. The beta is going to be out within the next 12 hours.
Michael Barker Just seems premature to me, that's all.