Having all of my projects lumped into one unfiltered studiometry calendar in ical is not helpful. I use individual sub-calendars in ical for each project. This allows me to apply colour coding individually to projects. At the moment I have to duplicate all studiometry to-do items and move them to other calendars. What I propose is that a calendar (a sub-calendar of the Studiometry calendar perhaps) be created for each project.
Michael Barker Probably better titled "Discrete ical calendars for projects" or "Studiometry calendar Sub-calendars by project in ical"
Joost Or more integration with iCal and his sub-calenders? Yes, that would be nice!
Topher Hunt You should be able to take any filter that works on your Studiometry calendar (by employee / user, by project, etc.) and apply it to a regular sync with iCal.
I'm part of a small team of researchers, but we're already enough people that exporting the entire calendar to iCal is useless because the resultant calendar is so overcluttered. As we grow and the need to have smooth calendar sync gets more pressing, there's no way we'll be able to continue using Studiometry's calendar, as much as I love it in other respects. Please consider!
Michael Barker I take it this isn't being addressed in v9
Oranged Support This is on the potentials list for 9.0. All feedback regarding specifics about what everyone is looking for here is very much appreciated.
Amy I agree with the comments above! I'd love to be able to sync just my Studiometry calendar with my iCal, and not the entire Studiometry calendar. Also, please put in a calendar alert function. I need alarms for my to-do's!