Michael Barker A mac-only realbasic plugin for Growl exists: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.net/topic-growl.shtml
mosey levy how do i use that plugin? confusing site . .
Michael Barker Mosey — the plugin is for developers, not end users such as yourself! The plugin should allow Oranged to add Growl support (for Mac anyway) to Studiometry. This would be best deployed in tandem with alarms and push notifications for events/to-dos etc. The Growl plugin for general use on the mac (if you're not already using it) is available here: http://growl.info/ — unfortunately the last mac OS update killed the Growlmail plugin.
mosey levy direct link to 10.6.7 compatible version of growlmail:
would love to see growl support in SM. no brainer.
Michael Barker Thanks Mosey!
Oranged Support Growl support is being added to Studiometry 9.0, can be enabled in Preferences Window > System Syncing section.
mosey levy awesome!!!!
does this have anything to do with growl doing a total rewrite and coming to the mac app store , lion only?
Oranged Support We built the Growl support to include both the Growl Framework, as well as an Applescript for "backup" incase anything with the framework breaks in a future Growl version. Their rewrite (hopefully) shouldn't haven't too much of an impact on the developer side of things, so it should be a smooth transition to the new Lion-only app.
Michael Barker Great!