Rather than using the search modal box to recover non-live projects, it would be nice to have the option to toggle show/hide non-live projects in the client list — possibly as a right-clickable option.
Oranged Support You can create a smart-group to show non-live projects or clients. For info about creating smart groups please see:
Hope this helps!
Michael Barker Thank you — It's a useful feature but doesn't perform the same function as I'm proposing — What I'm proposing is being able to show/hide non-live projects in the project list under the client in the list view. Also, it seems like the rules aren't parsing the way I would expect — I don't seem to be able to build rules that would allow me to build a group that would show live and not-live projects of a specific client. Here are the rules I set:
Match all of the following conditions
Client rules
equals <client id>Project Rules
Live Not Live
Live LiveThese rules return only the client.
What am I doing wrong?
Oranged Support Currently groups do not have the ability to show items within other specific items. If you add rules for both clients and projects, the group will simply show any clients that match the client rules plus any projects that match the project's rules. It will not combine the two, though we may be able to add an option for this in an upcoming version.
Another thing that might help you, while it's slightly out of the way, is the client's Projects tab. That will show both live and non-live projects for the client. If you want to see specific closed items for an individual client that will be your best bet, but it won't help to see an overall view of all closed items for all clients.
Michael Barker Gotcha — Smart groups that would allow me to set nested rules would be great.
The client's Project Tab isn't exactly what I had in mind, but it is helpful, thanks.