PO "suppression" Check Box

When a report specifies a Vendor to Contact in the Edit Report scene, Studiometry automatically decides that the report is a PO and labels it as such. Now that v9 has added a separate ID numbering system for Purchase Orders, adding a Vendor to Contact also triggers Studiometry to choose an ID number from the PO ID series, which is a desireable default action.

However, I use an SM report template to generate a Request for Quotation which also uses Vendor to Contact.  Report numbers for RFQ's must NOT be drawn from the PO ID number sequence, but rather from the other Report ID series.

To avoid this inappropriate choice of ID numbers, provide a checkbox in the Edit Report scene (next to the ID: box), to enable suppression of an ID number being assigned from the PO Number series in favor of one from the Report Number series. This same checkbox should also suppress the PO tag from appearing for that report in the project Report focus window.


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