I would love to see the table columns in the various table views to be resizeable. Examples in no particular order: Logs view (for me date protrudes into Type column), work items, add link pop-up (click the big "+" in the Edit Log window).
Alexander Adolf Attached is an example from the Log view where it is really annoying.
Lee I just hit this problem when searching the project log. The 'Project' field which contains the project title and ID is fixed in 250pixels.
I like to give a project a very descriptive title for future reference and that column width is way to narrow.
User adjustable widths should be standard, I would of thought.
Rob Sherrard - Imageer Resizable columns are also needed for the Search scene where the right end of longer task Descriptions can't be seen.
Oranged Support Many of these areas have been resized by us (such as logs) or now have resizable columns (such as the new search). We're still looking into resizable columns for some of the custom views, though.
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