In the Client/Project List (second column) I've chosen to show the small icons that count the number of Incomplete To Dos, Running Timers, or Unpaid Invoices. When I click on an icon I'm taken to the To Do, Timer, or Invoice window with the filter set to that project. In the title area there is, for instance:
To Dos : Outstanding To Dos : (Project Name)
I am constantly clicking on the Project Name to take me back to its page. Of course, it doesn't work and I have to go through a series of clicks and windows to get there. I'd like that Project Name to be a button that takes me to the Project -- probably the Project Overview window.
Also, regarding those numbers, they do not correlate to the order of the New buttons for each of those items. That is, we have these icons: New Timer - New To Do - New Invoice
But the order of display for the numbers is: Unpaid Invoices - Running Timers - Incomplete To Dos.
That's confusing.