Probably one of the most annoying things I've come up against in my evaluation is that I have to input the date on every transaction line. Here's what I mean: I have several (hundred) transactions in the past (or in the future); I have to input the date on EVERY line, rather than have the transaction date "follow" the last date I entered ala QuickBooks. It adds an extra few seconds to an already tedious process and those seconds can add up. How about adding this feature? Thanks!
Oranged Support This is planned for an upcoming update. Thanks for the feedback!
Eric Gonzaga Please also consider defaulting to the current year if no year is entered in the way a typical spreadsheet or accounting application handles dates. That would save a lot of time as well. Thank you!
Oranged Support Starting in Accounted 4 (which goes into beta in the next week or so) the dates will automatically be assigned to the current year if only a month/day is entered.
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