Using Preview with scanned images

I added a PDF file of a transaction on “Advance Info” tab.  When I double click on the image it opens a new window (“View Image”) of the document but the window is limited.  I cannot zoom in or out, and it only shows the first page of the document (the PDF has 3 pages).  Can you instead evaluate these recommendations:


  1. Instead of having to manually “Choose” the document, we can drag-and-drop the file from Finder into the image box.
  2. Have the option on settings, that will let me keep the PDF files on a folder, and when I drag-and-drop (or choose) the file to the image box, only a thumbnail of the document is recorded on the Accounted DB.  This way when I click the image box, the actual PDF is opened with the Preview application with all the functionality it gives you.  The path and name of the PDF file would be recorded on the Notes box automatically.





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